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Jun 2017
that **** of a neighbour i mentioned
     he's selling his house
   and moving to, somewhere like
chelmsford, in the heartland of essex.
i win,
the breaking point must have come
when i was teaching my other neighbour
(joseph) pyrotechnics...
- i'm pouring this white spirit
   onto the mattress, but the **** still
   won't light up!
- joe... you need something lighter,
   get some toilet paper,
      soak the toilet paper in the white spirit
and put it under the mattress...
- oh, cool, great idea...
   i was running like a hare from the fire
donning slippers...
      i then excused myself,
even though i was offered beer:
- i feel a bout of diarrhoea coming,
and sure enough... niagara falls....
half an hour later, he was throwing
a television into the bonfire...
      and of course, the smoke was choking,
and the fire-brigade came and extinguished
the fire.
    fun times.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
     wordvango and Johnny Scarlotti
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