Somewhere in the forest There is a paradise Hidden in a circus tent Blocked by a bramble thicket
There are ways we want to live And ways we must live But a spectrum is discovered When the way we must live Diminishes the way we want to live And the way we want to live Dictates the way we must live
We eat and then **** Life tastes adequate when we're dining So we keep feeding Our appetite becomes insatiable We devour what opportunity grants us Ignoring the rumbling in our stomachs Until we must face the unpleasantness of our waste Even when we're wise enough to know the effects of eating We continue eating Learning minor methods of mitigating damage to digestion It becomes hard to swallow That this is all it takes to be human As humanity's power becomes planetary Meals turn to feasts And **** piles up As the rancid fumes plague us with mental monsters We yearn for a simpler time When rations were the size of a sunflower seed And excrement exited as ethereal gas An age that never existed
The way I wanted to live became the way I had to live But now that I'm living the way I have to I can't tell the difference between what I want and what I need I guess that could be a good thing Because the space between what I want and what I got Is where fulfillment is found