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Jun 2017
Let us kiss and end this brutal fighting, so as to resume hot *** sans disfiguring biting. The time has arrived to forgive & forget, the crime you committed barbecuing my pet. He was a good dog that was faithfully sweet, till you pickled his brains & boiled his feet. For you such things are normal in ol' Saigon, 'cause your **** neighbors eat dog till the whole dog is gone. No one knows and no one should care, how I romanced twin sisters born as a pair. One was happy, the other was happy too. We need a big pillow when big pillows are few. I believe that a man can **** with uncorrupted kindness, but not after urological surgery messed up his straight-line ****. Peeing is always very gratifyingly important, to Mexican wetbacks who can't be deported. So far as I know, 50 dollars still buys a penicillin-chomping ***. Let us pretend that my woman is equal, from her twin peaks to her permanent sink hole. There was an era when wives couldn't vote, nor navigate rivers via river barge or boat. My Mother's generosity has aided & helped, pregnant dog ******* too young to be whelped. A white guy who marries a squaw is a squaw man. A white guy who humps negresses lays down the law, man. Living on food stamps is thrilling, when it's Iowa farmers you love killing. Queer Jesse Jackson's current wife is a well-respected chick, who only pukes, upchucks, hurls & vomits when she's ailingly ill & sick. I love peanut butter spread on her quills thickly, as it makes the porcupine nettles on Sophia Loren's lard *** less prickly. Look at my bowel after it's resected: swollen & green & gangrenously infected. I'd rather die having ****** ******* with a thousand beauty queen Pinay nips than plant a soul kiss on your moody, mean, thin, gray lips. Never will you lie on your back for nothing, as long as you keep tidy your rosebud's muffin. I like you because you are so wild & free, like a ******* who'll perform for 15 to twenty. My beauty is proclaimed by millionaires with money, from Australia in weather gloomy & sunny. I love your hard *** & Niagara splash back, when I'm not under a red alert *** gas attack.
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