Someone....... Somewhere.......... Thinks of you! Yes! She thinks of you even when the skies Are no longer so clear and a bright blue, With dark thunderous clouds Even blocking the sun's view; She wonders, a bit too sadly, If you love her just as much too? Oh, far away lover! Please say, quickly, that you do!
Someone......... Somewhere............. Misses you! Yes! She misses you terribly, Every minute of every day, March, April, and into the month of May; She's always wishing that you weren't So very far, far and away. And on every torn white piece of paper, She can only quickly write, these Three words with tears in her eyes And trying to hold back her sobs Of a deep, deep heartache.......... "I LOVE YOU!" "I LOVE YOU!" I LOVE YOU!" They were the only three words that She could write from a broken heart, Separated and torn all apart.
Somewhere, someone loves you! Oh, my love! How I do love you! So very, very much, my dear!