there's a car not drifting by, there's a voice not being heard. there are steps not being taken outside on the dark street, but then again that might just be me. as the silence fills in, i try to inaugurate new ways to neglect that it has even been here, has ever loomed over my soul (i pretend and fail to accomplish, but the mission is just too difficult for my childish hands). and i read over all the things i have already read tonight, as if the answer for my prayers could be found in the words of mortals, because if they are, i have yet to find proof
that one day, oh maybe for one fleeting second you ever thought i might just be the answer to your calls and quests, the ideal of something that no one can ever quite match, the epitome of the longing imaginarium that you carry inside, like the rest of us, just flesh and blood mortals, the one vision, incubus of ambiguous substance that your heart can't deny itself. call it noble, call it gallant, but love has never interest me. the songs it sings, the blood is rushes, the the hearts it steals, the dreams it envisions are just a new form of destroying whatever rationally brings. must we forever suffer this burning *****, with such bittersweet ache?