It's a funny thing. Loneliness. You can be surrounded by people and yet have no one to talk to. You're tempted to try. To reach out to someone. But. You don't want to bother anyone. So then. You figure. There's no sense in being around all these people. It's just weird. So you wander off. In search of. A quiet moment. Out of a dream, a dream you don't wish to have again. You immerse yourself in thought. You long to raise your head and see someone standing before you. You don't dare. Why do that to yourself? Because you're a *******. You look up. As if the Devil himself raised your chin with *******. You can hear him laughing when he sees the look of disappointment on your face. So you take his hand in an act of complacency. And the two of you while the night away. Two demons laughing at the moon.