****** fingers type away Searching through opportunities To better my household. To better myself. Ad after ad Application after application Broken promises A weakened heart.
****** fingers type away Submission after submission Racing onward Yet standing still. Broken shoes Dehydration Hunger Struggling to take the next step But forcing myself.
****** fingers type away I don't want to drown I don't want you to drown,either These fears, the fear of losing everything This stress,the stress of having nothing These duties,the duty to my sick kin the fear of losing her Since my father is already gone. My heart is crying I'm screaming My fingers are tired I'm tired.
But something is telling me to keep fighting. My God is telling me to encourage myself. To realize this is temporary To realize my potential To never give in To use my head It's a small,dim light. But I see it.
My head may be spinning My feet may be bruised My heart may ache And my fingers may be ******.
But nothing is placed on my shoulders that I cannot bear. I have made correct decisions. I am worthy. I can do it. And will lose nothing.