I remember when I was 12 There was this really cute guy He had the most perfect hair And the most amazing smile I felt this connection between us This little spark of attraction And I liked him so much That I named it was love But day after day passed And someone asked 'So you like her?' 'Nah' I was broken 'Why?' 'Because she likes One Direction!' 'What if she didn't?' 'Still, not a bit' 'Why?' 'Honestly, she looks like a pig!' And there I was In a broken hearted barn In the mud of insecurity As a filthy creature, darned I could cry, I could wail But I held myself and slept Dreamless darkness seemed So much better than the real And when I woke up Just for a moment I thought it's all okay But then it struck me like a lightning bolt Everything came crashing down I hated myself so much For being so fat, ugly and hairy For how I looked and who I was For my skin and my very bones And from that day on I let him define for me My being, my beauty, my value in life And love, how it'll never be mine