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Bob B
Jun 2017
If Your Birth Sign is Cancer... (6-21 to 7-22)
You are very likely to have
Remarkable intuition.
What makes you extremely nurturing
Is your caring disposition.
You react emotionally
To everything, but sometimes notions
Might be instrumental in making
You a prisoner of your emotions.
You are attached to home and hearth,
But it isn't at all bizarre
For you to make a comfy, *****
Atmosphere wherever you are.
Because you're apt to cling to the past,
Sometimes you will find it hard
To let go of things in your life.
You have to be on your guard:
If you are not careful, you'll
Find your life in complete disorder
When you're no longer the avid collector
But instead the consummate hoarder.
Even regarding relationships,
It's hard for you to let them go.
Once you've reconciled that issue,
You'll have reached a new plateau.
Your sensitivity
Reflects the circumstances around you.
Being needed and helping others,
Are two things that solidly ground you.
Emotional security
Is, of course, your principal goal.
Just don't stoop to manipulating
Others in order to be in control.
A strong will and determination
Guide you to help others in need.
But if you feel too insecure,
Criticism will make you bleed.
If you feel at all threatened,
Your ambitions will remain hidden
Until you're somewhat confident
That all threats have been overridden.
You are deeply concerned about
What other people think of you.
So building your self-confidence
Is one of the best things you can do.
Only when you are comfortable
Will you open up completely,
Although your guarded nature will
Tend to make you do it discreetly.
You love feeding family and guests
Even if you aren't the best cook.
You love to add your personal flair
And hate to always go by the book.
Since you absorb so many feelings
From your surroundings, you must retreat
To a quiet place at times;
If not, your engine will overheat.
Don't let your moods get out of hand,
And work on being more direct.
Then the world will be your oyster--
More so than you'd ever expect.
- by Bob B (6-14-17)
Written by
Bob B
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