Dear The One, It's been a while since I've written one of these... How do they go again...? I hope you're doing fine, I am, or at least, I think I am See the conversations that take place between us, going back and forth, day in and day out, haven't added anything to my life. All it feels like is us dragging our goodbye for one more day For one more week For one more month When do I get to say goodbye and assure myself that I won't be getting anything from you anymore? I don't know if I'm dreading that or if I'm going to finally feel relieved See, you've said that time is finally on our side, But I'm still standing at the sidewalk with my arms outstretched palms open, begging for you I don't believe I love you as much as I used to If love is a choice then I do not wish to choose it At least not with you I don't think love is about waiting around for someone to finally notice me You either do or you don't and anything in between is a waste of my precious ******* time So get your **** together and figure out what you want Cause whatever time I've dedicated to you, I'm bound to take back. I'm not going to cast a second glance your way, and maybe then, You'll regret the decision you've made