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May 2012
Last week I swallowed a bubble
And it flew up
Past my nose
And into my brain
And there it lay
After that everything seemed rosy and a little bit hazy
The politicians on tv spoke truths
Didn't seem crazy
My sister took my favourite sweater
But it didn't bother me
Besides, it fit her better
All last week passed by like a dream
The old ***** pond by my house
Was a stream
And I swam in my bed socks and giggled and gleamed
With my head in the trees and my feet in the weeds
But late last night
Just before bed
My mom ran a bath
And gently said 'love it's time to get clean'
To which I put up no hassle or fuss
What’s there to argue
When your mom says it’s a must
And while I was playing and rubbing away
Under the water near the plug in the tub
I heard a faint whishhhh
And then a crack and a ****
Pop! Went the bubble, upstairs in my head
I ran up to catch it, by the door β€˜neath the bed
But it burst
into a thousand pieces
And now my head feels funny and wiggly and dry
So I’m searching for another bubble
Somewhere in the sky
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