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Jun 2017
Periodically grind teeth
Shards along the ground
They no longer cut tough feet;
A mournful sound

Hands begin to shake,
You gave and you gave until
There was nothing left to take
The day will come for you to feel

You saw them low,
It was in the eyes
And a heart racing in tow
You dream of wholesome times

Shots are echoed
The blast was once comforting
No longer heard to be followed
In time, find belief in something

Like a phoenix from ash
You will be born anew
Survive every shattering crash,
You'll be standing in a new view

Hold your head up, love
Alone in your room
Your faith staying high above
Self medicate those old wounds

One day we'll be clean and dry
Our sins will not out live
We'll love without a try
Our time will come to self forgive.
Written by
bluevelvet  24/the same as you
(24/the same as you)   
   Ryan Holden
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