Why funeral director when there's only one direction to go?
it's toe the line scratch your mark pass the time and then it's dark but we get used to it.
There's a distinct smell of corruption, sweet but cloying flamin' annoying but we get used to that too.
It's amazing what we do to fit through the eyes of needles.
While the homeless pile up on the streets they're counting votes, who'll win the seats? well not the the homeless on the streets, but You guessed it we get used to that **** too.
Democracy's not worth a light if we don't treat the people right, right?
Yet they're celebrating with champagne as if their campaign had changed this place and let's face it we get used to it.
It's harder to look hopeful when there's no hope to be found, that's like looking to the future buried six feet underground.
ever optimistic my sometime lines some times cryptic, apocalyptic, like the times we're in, how many eyes in a drawing pin? and how many more times must I begin again?
At about six ten before the rush when I've hit the day before the crush and the hush is still with the morning air? I will think of her quietly.