George Saunders is a better writer than I could ever be, Such an incisive observer of the modern condition, So witty and urbane, A satirist with staying power. Everybody loves a writer who’s legit funny. It’s the Cinnamon and sugar in the oatmeal of reading.
George Saunders is smarter than me. Dude is a bona fide scientist Who earned a degree of geophysical engineering From one of the STEMiest of STEM schools. I was an English Major, and even English Major nerd god Garrison Keillor rags on us as likely to someday ask If you’d like fries with that.
George Saunders has lived a more adventurous life than me. He was an engineer who worked on pipelines in Sumatra And regales NPR types with his tales about venturing Headlong into a monkey ****-contaminated river. He’s thatched roofs, pulled knuckles at a slaughterhouse, Rang up purchases at a 7-Eleven. Saunders proposed to his wife after three weeks.
George Saunders is more distinguished than me. His list of awards is endless. Guggenheims, MacArthur genius grants, PEN/Malamud Awards, A gaggle of National Magazine Awards, The ******* Lannan Foundation. Everyone has honored the guy. I've got a bronze pig and some plaques.
George Saunders is more beloved than I am. He addresses graduating classes all over the country. Everyone man, woman and child has read “Sea Oak.” Every man, woman and child loves “Sea Oak.” It’s taught in every college in the country. It’s about as perfect as a short story can get.
Realistically, I’ll never be as good a writer as George Saunders, Yet the brilliance he pours forth into the world Inspires me to write.