My heart tried to signal a letter to be read by one it purely sought. Friend, lover, simply wishing to grow with another. As loneliness is a universal killer of hearts. A price that most brought As they ignored my blessings of wanting to get to know and enjoy true times of companionship , from my start, as I seemingly was never heard. I grew stronger to my truth and loving understanding and sent the one blessings. Even though I enjoy social networks and photo postings, I wished for my gift to be enjoyed through words of interaction and true care for my art… My heart might be tired of the long line it walks, solitaire. Being of a brighter energy, I never grow angry , only feeling pity on those who fail to clearly understand my messages of what makes me me, I give only a blessing there. Do unto others I have done as I wished for them to do unto me. Even if my kindness or longing to purely connect with another lady n kind natures never gets returned, I realize I’m doing my part and sets my heart free.