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Roger Turner - Poet
May 2012
Street Walking Man - (The Street - poem 7)
Every day you see him on the streets
His lifes possessions in his cart
You look at him and turn away
Is that the way you want to start?
He walks around the streets all day
HIs world is only where he walks
But, when he gets too close to you
You find that you're the one who balks
He's never done no harm to you
In fact your lives may be the same
He may just feel the same for you
And you're the one who should feel shame
His life is in that shopping cart
It's full of years of where he's been
He may not have a home like you
He may not have a next of kin
He may live like this willingly
Though you look at him as mad
You see, he's not the issue here
It's you and that's what's sad
He's searching for a better life
Or is he...no one knows
For no one takes the time to see
Just where this poor soul goes
He doesn't want your pity
But a hand up would be kind
A hand out he's not looking for
But they're so hard to find
He lived up in the ivory towers
With a family, working hard
Now he lives among the forgotten folks
With his boots re-soled with cards
You can ask him if he needs a hand
But you wouldn't dare to speak
Because that would put you near him
And that's not ground you seek
Is he harmless, well you just don't know
Is he mad or lost his way
Is he loony, well that's doubtful
He found a cart to push this way
His life is in the boxes
And the bags inside the cart
Next time you see him, don't avoid him
Show him just a little heart
I knew a man, this independent
He showered at a self serve bar
While he cleaned, I'd leave a coffee
And then I'd attend to the next car
He always smiled as he was leaving
A whistle always on his lips
You never knew where he was headed
As he left to go out on his trips
Three times a week, just like clockwork
He would show up just to wash
Three times a week I'd leave him coffee
And each time he'd leave feeling posh
You see him daily in your travels
He's the king of where he's been
So if you see him while you're walking
Give a smile, don't look so mean
For, he's the one who has no problems
Maybe he has got it right
It may not work for you or me though
But it works for him tonight
Each day you see him with his old cart
But you turn away from view
Handicapped...he isn't..but just maybe
The handicapped one here is you..
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Roger Turner - Poet
Lucky Queue
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