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Jun 2017
Do not fall in love with me.
Do not envision me in your life.
Do not think that this, a happy ending will have…..
do not lie to yourself like that,
I am not trying to be malicious,
It’s just that I no longer…. have a heart.

Do not kiss me, thinking you will revive,
that part of me that died during a winter night.
Do not hug me and try to transfer your essence to my soul...
I no longer create synergy,
I no longer believe in love.
Do not hurt yourself like that, my soul left my body,
it lays dormant in the abyss where loss resides.

I am not trying to hurt you……
I just don’t want to lie,
You deserve a person that still feels alive.
You deserve someone that is still willing to risk it all.
You deserve the magic that lives between the air and rainbows.
You deserve to look into eyes  of someone whose pupils still shine.
You deserve someone that will get lost in the wondrous silhouette of our mouth.
You deserve LOVE.

Not me……………………
………………………………………………………………….I am broken

Written by
Leydis  41/F/NYC
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