Grey fell into the valley ..blown in by our Lord distance disappeared as waves in the sky took over the land a storm was brewing..God was angry an anger about to be unleashed upon this wonderful earth
First came the drops ...splish splash upon the dry dusty road one then two then the heavens opened and God cried pools appeared as dust melted into mud... he was crying hard wind followed ...faintly at first like a child blowing a kiss then a wrath of gales lashed this earth like no one had seen or been to before and God cried some more
Clouds of grey formed into black as day became night the grey was now a black and God roared with a growl that shook the earth yet his crying never stopped as wind,rain and thunder made us hide within our home his sign was here ... our signal found
time we changed our ways time we loved this earth time we took a hold time we listened to our hearts
We understood the rules as the black faded away the air suddenly became so fresh a new spring was on its way a rainbow fell up out the sky... a sign that we all knew dance to the sound of the blackbirds voice a new day has become