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May 2017
Anxieties are present;
a constant fear of confrontation.
Memories old and future untold,
expecting a scene that lives in me,
a fight, a showdown, only for me,
to test my Man and be fearless.

Waiting now for a fight,
honestly it brings me fright,
young and pure I once was,
now facing the dirt of the night.

It's not that I want to fight,
but the fear of elimination,
and destruction of the body,
I want to overcome,
and be so courageous.

What's in store, I do not know,
I keep my heart close to Truth,
something greater than a battle,
is the Love that I can Be.

Fight or not,
it matters little,
but fear is fear,
and wants Love little.

A Man I am,
for boys don't cry,
in facing their fear,
they open their eyes,
looking into the fear,
knowing it little,
yet strong they stand,
for fearless is the Man,
who walks this Land,
free and tall,
yet all with Love.

And Love I AM,
and always will be.
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