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May 2017
She is born of uncertainty
an activist for change
She's the path and the destination
desired outcomes she obtains

She won't appear through wishful thinking
nor the desperation of prayer
She's not fulfilled through lack
you won’t ever find her there

She's a healer of the deepest wounds
penetrates the open mind
With trust as her foundation
She holds the ability to unbind

Captured in a glimmer
and ignited by a spark
Subtle ripples like a current
through her ever beating heart

She's a gentle breeze tickling the trees
the waves caressing the shore
She partners with the rising sun
an intention to be restored

So the next time crisis looms
and life is filled with despair
Extend a hand to Hope
she always has change to spare
May 25/17
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
     Enia, A Wondering Wanderer, Cinzia, --- and ---
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