The terror I had just finished my new collection “007 licenced to write” And I was going to write a sunshine poem about peace when a bomb Exploded in London killing 22 children. The sky darkened I could think of nothing but their poor parents Whose dread came true, to wait through the corners report who Had to find out which limb belonged to whom. The atrocity was so colossal that I have not been able to write A tribute for the young life lost. But in the back of my mind a question remains; how could it come For this? I feel as we created an ogre a lump of cancer created by our Interference in the Middle- East now it has exploded And we the people bear the prices caused by exploitative capitalism. In this, we must take a side and eradicate this headless violence. Perhaps it was wrong of me to write this as the last poem but we Must not avoid the truth that sometimes summary execution is the last defence against evil.