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May 2017
They are a heartless population who depend on us,
They ate the eggs, chewed the meat, drank the palm oil and left our young malnourished,
They drank our wine but failed to give us water,
When I think of how the gods depend on us, I feel more god than them,
With their powers, they never move without our aid and never eat till we feed them,
These are gods that are spoken to, never hear and never talk back,
We see them but their eyes are closed and their ears deaf to our plights,
When their priests bring their supposed messages, it is wrath and curse with no blessing.
These gods have no peace and so offer none,
Anytime we looked up to them, our hearts remain restless and our minds peaceless,
Can they give what they don't have?
Because they were carved from our finite thoughts, they are limited in power and exploits.
They **** but never give life,
Are they gods who can't make?
Are they gods when they can't forgive?
They never wrote to us, so we never knew how to please them; yet they accused us,
That's why we left them behind when the God who was LOVE called us.
His light outshone their dark ills, cleansed our stained selves and offered us peace and Hope.
I present to you Jehovah.
Written by
(Ghana, W/A)   
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