Whilst patrolling my fortified, Nazified, sub-tropical Florida region I see that **** George Zimmerman's whiter than a blond Norwegian in his self-appointed role as a *****-shooting Europoidal European who pimps ***** to roll dipsomaniacs at Sanford's American Legion "Only **** babies in self-defense" is the unaborted rule that I live by & "don't never impregnate no black gal who was born a black guy" It's a-o.k. to give Sanford pigs some name that's but a phony handle ike Kent C. Well, **** Too Tight, Robin Banks &/or Tony Candle, Gaye Barr, Anita Bath, Harry Azcrac, Dixie Normus, Stony Mantle, Nida ***, Lou Stools, Buster Cherry, Dixon Butts or Bony Randall, plus Argentina's well-rotted, crapped-out actress hag Olga Zubarry, who lived to bury ****-*****: Pork Chop Annie & Polka Jew Perry Mongols grow Occidentalized by Walmart's imported Chinese trick & even ******-rich richer than a Bakersfield-deported Chicano hick Litters of swimmin' kittens are escaping Oscar like did Felix Unger from the Apocalypse of Fukushima's China syndromic helix hunger Polite folk accommodate futt-bucking ******* by calling them gays just as Wendy's accommodates idiotic patrons by giving them trays For U.S. marines *** rights are earned during their boot-camp days like when David Hasselhoff spent his T.V. time bay-watching bays, in the era Reagan occupied his senile mind hoarding guns with rays while selling Latin American Marxists missiles to prove crime pays during our presidential-election cycle in its suspended-reality phase when Hawaiian babes charge nothing for their flowery, virginal leis to celebrate the Hawaiian Babes' Free Flowery, Virginal Leis craze featuring tropical ******* & purpley nips guaranteed to amaze in the orchid-rained-in-depths of our historically blue-blooded haze upon the moon's far side where-from souls are dispatched by Grays there are no Jimmy Swaggart-$10-Johns anointing ***** with praise while damning hell-fire Christians to the horror of a martyred blazeο»Ώ