the lazy boy recliner a soft green suede the colour reminiscent of hay grass a day or so after cutting
rubbed to a shine on the armrest grips stil peachfluff soft at the back
her place of comfort and rest her throne after a hard day her craft nook, library and front row seat to film and sporting events
it was a gift given by three grateful children on her retirement after years as a single parent working eight hour days and then coming home to mother three unruly creative, bickering children it was a thank you for so many things
all her grandchildren have been told stories, sung to, snuggled, loved in that old lazy boy..... the oldest is now twenty five
it has her smell of lanolin and roses apple shampoo and eucalyptus drops peppermint knee has been imbued with these scents and the memories that they carry
it is of no use now, she has gone upmarket, in the nursing home she has a tapestry lift chair that helps her sit and stand, it smells of antiseptic spray
I cannot bear to part with the old green lazy boy it has too much of my mother in it's seams somedays there is more of her is in that old chair than there is in the woman that sits in the tapestry one
for now green chair sits in my office, gathering books