Dear reader have you ever wondered where the bogey man lives ? In the hall Under the bed In your head ? Well when I was small , a sleeper train , to Scotland in the cupboard as I lay awake that night , through rattle and hum , clunkerty clack of that rail road track . The over night sleeper to Scotland Then from the cover of a paper back book , Came Paper face .
Have you ever wondered of Mr Barney ? Who when rent was due would call on you , and in return ask for your daughters hand in Marrage ? To the little pigs he would go , With a huff and a puff , eat pork for tea. beside you
Or the toy maker , If half an our late would make you stay late , and doc your pay for talking .
Or little bow peep who lost her sheep , Only to marry Tom Thumb only when her good friends had found them . Now the bogey man rings and rings in my little toy town , and when I pick it up goes zzzzzzz. Just a few questions today , I am sure we can help you ? We're PpI We're a computer glitch . a style in your eye , we have many questions to ask you .
Then the Raven master who clipped the wings , so his birds could never leave the tower , So the Kingdom won't. Fall , God save us all , the day a Raven flys by and the toy castle walls are broken , For Tom and Bow to fairy land must go , and leave this crazy world behind them .