I toss my solitude down, let it mingle with my insomniac let it mingle with my rubble,
There is something submerged beneath my -- human, make me the red of desert earth until I crumble into cactus spines and skeletons, I wasn't meant to stay here for so long
There is a catch swimming with my organs, it pulls when I breathe through it, I never wanted to see what falling would be like until I saw the holes they drilled into your spine
Your leather-spun heart, it aches like a sunrise, I knew a wanting in your chest that stayed hungry, you were always hungry for something I don't think you ever found,
Because there is a sand beneath your fingernails that doesn't rub away, I have a dust storm waiting in my belly, there is a lust there that is deeper than the Marianas trench,
And someday, God will loop his fingers through yours, and he will whisper in your ear: "Come. I can tell you what they died for."
all you've ever wanted was someone to truly look up to you, and six feet underwater, i do --