An incomprehensible comprehensive change of fortune it would take, amongst all flora & fauna, to realize Darwin's jigsaw puzzle. These pant-legs drag the floors; the waistband of my underpants is clearly visible; I have 32 tattoos; my English is poor; I have had success with women, although the figures are impossible. From hereon in, & from now on: it's unsalted cashews for me! Concern yourself not with my inconsequential injuries. My mind, body & soul remain unified. Do my enlighten'd steps mystify you? Does my βpick-up-&-go-attitudeβ befuddle you? Am I unrecognizable to all who would belittle Hermann Goering? Should we goose-step in lock-step to please our modern socialists? There's more information: more information in Japanese...than China would have you know...Friday is roast beef & pudding night at K.F.C. Millions of Moslems will be playing grab-*** while babies drown in swimming pools. Bring on $30-worth of gaiety!!!