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May 2017
mmm... anything and if not everything,
             but... the scent of... soap.
   it was by far the easiest thing to do today,
making chapati dough...
                  and then frying it...
     with a near-miss of smoke-signals going off...
since the frying pan became so hot...
                      that the kitchen became filled with
       the haze...
                              so much more easier
than making pancakes...
        flour... water... oil... salt... pepper...
                  and hey presto! cooking's done.
     (sniffing sound): but what's this perfume in the night?
    (sniffing sound):          the scent i'm picking up?
                 a freshly scrubed and rinsed skin...
                 it's far beyond a desire to fry something
in butter, or lard...
             it's much more than parisian pefumes...
       it's... just... the scent of... soap!
                                   is it some flower oozing out
this perfume?
            or is it some woman two doors down,
                                               washing herself o.c.d.?
i'll say one thing: april in england, this year?
during the nights?
                     warmer than the may nights so far.
but the soap soap perfume in the night!
          who's playing tricks on me!?
                                          i can't get enough of it!
i really wish it's some flower, that you can't intagram
or use ****** regocnition services on...
       a bit like saying: you have an app. that
                               allows you to recognise vaginas?
****! this scent of soap is not going away from my nostrils!
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
   --- and 欣快
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