I am the sin barer goat supping up the soupy bread that you spiced with your lies and violence, to achieve spiritual purity.
I watch and transcribe the things that you do, recalling and retelling the horrors you committed throughout time.
You ****** the memory of our greatest tragedies, all those atrocities, white sheet warriors burning crosses and lynching men, all those right wing fanatics who spew hate and vote in the corporate supporting politicians, all those war hawks hawking bombs and drones, all those burnt bodies buried beneath those broken homes, all those charred broken bones.
I cry out but just as I am about to reach you your rusted blade slices up and inside my tight gut. Warm viscera falls through sloshing out greasy and sloppily on the grassy meadow beneath you.
How easily I become the repository for your sick story as you sacrifice me to rid your self of all those memories.