somewhere in the mother lode of a thousand poems scripted, lies a pen-pained tribulation, an old ode, to the taming of the shrew, the shock and awe of my new born, slept-on hair mode
Ogdiddy, she says, rise up quick! thy self to the mirror dispatch, see what god hath wrought upon thy head this brand new morn
blessed am I, at this late stage, in posses of a goodly and shocking amount of hair au naturel
each of my body's parts has a mind of its own, my hairs, each one a different opinion and resultantly an amazing new creation born come dawn
sometimes straight up like Gumby she quips, sometimes a shocking tail to one side in the style of one Woody Woodpecker, she mockingly cries!
and on and on each daily a new cartoon characterization proposition, until one day in feigned wrath I do reply
*just you wait Mrs. Higgins, just you wait, you will rue the day my do will be best described and descried by you as akin to that of one known as SpongeBob SquarePants