I hold value, worth and greatness And I am inspired to write once again An unwise man once said to me; Do not like someone because they like you Do not like someone because you like them Like someone, because of how they make you feel Do you possess the power to like yourself? And in turn, make yourself feel how you desire to feel? What is it you desire? And how can you feel that? Once that feeling has come and gone you might want to replicate it Or is it something that changes every time it comes? An experience changes based on how many times it appears As Aristotle said we are what we repeatedly do Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit I tried to include that in our conversation last night As I spoke about how habits can be broken and When broken and challenged are met with different outcomes If you sleep with every woman you meet you won’t find Many female friends I almost said let’s break that habit Almost, to ask us to become friends But I hesitated At your excellence