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Apr 2017
Cant help but think I might die
And all these things I do
I keep
Will be sorted by someone who doesn’t understand them
Or there order
Or meaning
And my life
And how I view it
Will never be remembered or viewed in the way I want it to be viewed
Because no one thinks like me
And sees like me
I want to put the picture of the the candle under the picture of kurt cobain
Even if I don’t put it there
I will know what it is there
Because I wanted it to be there
And no one will ver know that its ther
No one will even take it down
Because they wont be able to
Get in my head
I’ll be dead
I don’t mind dying young
And if youre reading this now
Id ike to mention that I don’t care about my spelling
And I have a good thought that iw ant to share with someone special
Someone who is interested
I haven’t said it out loud yet
But I thought to myself after work on Thursday
As I was walking from the bus stop and I decided to cross the road instead of go over the bridge because my legs hurt
That I was wasting my life
Because I am doing things
And for the first time I felt amazed
That you can waste your life by doing things
And by not doing anything
And that feeling doesn’t go anywhere
No matter what you do
That curiousity that your life is passing you by
Happens no mater what
I make the most of everyday
Occasinsly I sit down and don’t do anything and I drink tea and I write (like now)
But here in japan I do things I feel I would never have done
When I am so tired I want to pass out on the floor I do things
I am so busy I love it
And I am so happy
And yet the thought just wizzed thorugh me like when your drunk and you need to be sick
And it just happens it hits you and all a sudden you’ve been sick and didn’t know how or why or that is was going to happen
That wa slie this tought and I thought shall I write this down
NO ill remember this
I wont forget it and I wanted to say it to people
I have wanted to share
But what better person to share it with
Written by
Eliza  31/F
   Elyas Nakos
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