From the very start, it was what schools to chose There were so many schools you became confused You were looking for schools that would meet your academic agenda Beginning from the start and graduation achieved But it was hard, but you sacrificed Yet you asked if education was worth it, and the answer is yes Look at you now you are in your Cap and Gown Tomorrow arrived being your present day Today is what I call “DEGREE DAY” It took persuasion and certainly a lot of praying Heaven’s wonder and education going yonder But you proved to yourself that you can achieve You are the witness to that This is nothing to sneeze at As you walk out of the educational institution doors being not for the last time, but always keep education in mine As you go out always remember to come back Whether it be education continuing or just encourage students But you are the mission that education does happen Success seems far off Yet it’s closer than you think Now education has pushed you in the career moving forward mode Decisions upon Decisions What career should I chose? Where your talent lies you shouldn’t be confused It will be challenging and discouraging Yet with your ability to present It will be your educational institution that you shall represent You are prepared to step out You know the concepts from theories that everyone will be talking about Apply and do your very best Success will be your testimony in confess However, except nothing for less Your educational institution achieved and you are their Scholar There are no goodbyes, but a commodity of excellence being an everlasting good try.