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Apr 2017
We’re living in a time of pandemonium,
living in a land of confusion.
Led down a path of violence and disorder,
forgetting the aspects of being human.

Our world is in a state of chaos
with discrimination, rash actions, violation of rights
Bombing foreign nations
Infringing women’s liberty in the dead of night

We’re losing sight of compassion
With war and destruction looming overhead
Fear and distrust running rampant
Hope for humanity seemingly left for dead

Denying sexuality and personal identity
And riots around the clock
Then with shootings becoming a norm
It’s difficult dealing with the shock

Though times are unclear in this our current hour
One thing is certain
If we don’t change our ways, the story of mankind
Will come to an end with the drop of a curtain.
Written by
Tiffany  21/F/North Carolina
(21/F/North Carolina)   
   Kim, Em Orrman, ryn, --- and ---
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