i still have dreams of her but she's different now renewed somehow ¿happy perhaps? that's quite the stretch her eyes no longer scream rather they sing of daylight and bubble gum kisses the dark circles that had burrowed under her eyes were uprooted and gone her smile is wider and genuine her teeth no longer reek of cyanide and paper cuts her lips no longer curl sadly around each punchline rather they wrap around each word that exits my chapped lips her lips are no longer chapped instead they are soft and whole and healthy
she straightened her hair and chopped it to her shoulders as though each of her problems dropped with her delicate curls as though her past would be as lost and as irretrievable as her hair she tells me that she's never felt better and i know that her kind of better is dropping everything and running and turning into a cold brick because once you're a brick the only pain you can feel is when your bones chip i fear i've lost my dear, Anjelica to this destructive "better"
she straightened her hair she straightened her hair she straightened her hair and it's cookie cutter straight now chalkboard flat somehow she keeps it on her shoulders her eyes don't scream and in my dreams i see us dancing but this is not a dream anymore who am i to escape to now that my dear, Anjelica has a light gleaming in her eye and that same eye is whispering to me of dreams dreams dreams and life wonderful colorful life and she tells me that her favorite color is yellow because it symbolizes hope and i begin to realize that perhaps she is "better" and perhaps this is for the "better"
but i am selfish and i am petrified that i do not understand this new Anjelica this happy Anjelica i do not know her she was the only one i knew and now i am simply lost for how can i write about a stranger? i am the stranger
she paints yellow flowers on her window and she lies down and she sleeps as i sit there i see that one thing has remained the same: she still looks damaged in her sleep