Why! Didn't, You just tell the truth.....It would've been so much easier than telling a lie. I would have respected you more, truth warrants respect but a lie just makes you a joke; and not worthy to be respected. I also, would feel as though you cared a little about me..... had you been honest that-is; You lying to me hurt much deeper, because by lying to me it let me know that ;you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth! I would prefer you to tear my heart-Out-with the truth, rather-than, calming your mind by telling me a lie. You're not a man..... You're a paper tiger...... Little-Boy-Pin-Up, Selfish- Sad- Lier! You-Know, The thing that, hurts the most is the fact, that you didn't care enough about me to tell me the truth.