If we always read what was going on around us in our world in the present then when would we take the time to see what is going on Because seeing is believing Isn't it? But no, no it is not You might be able to see the world the actions that are going on around you but you will never be able to see The Mind The imagination is the greatest key to be able to see to see a world other than our own That is why nonfiction is stupid it only holds what you can see what you experience in your everyday life I don't see any greater joy than reading a story made up from the billions of people in our world because only very few can see the world for what it really is but anyone could write about Abe Lincoln, or Queen Elizabeth II Stupid Boring Old Nonfiction But what if there was a different world? A world beyond a world that only you can imagine again, this is why Nonfiction ***** take a break from your everyday lives and live a life in fiction daydream all you have to do, **Imagine