Read this from the bottom|||||SCROLL DOWN/READ UP and I fall D Suspended in the air Then my feet O My hand leaves its hold My voice comes as a hoarse whisper "F l y" W Will I fly? Will I fall? I can't go any higher This never ending mountain continues forever N It is no different I look down I can only see an endless abyss of clouds I look at the sky above me I grab the ledge My feeble hand reaches up Higher Yet I keep going I know I can't I can't make it Higher Higher Climbing this endless mountain Up this never ending cliff I heave a breath and I continue My legs slowly grow weaker My arms shudder My shoulders ache Higher Higher And I can only go up My hand leaves a streak of blood that now lines my cheek I wipe a tear from my eyes The cliff makes deep cuts in my palms Higher Higher Up The only way My breath comes short and rough I scale the jagged rocks Higher Higher Is go up And all I can do The bottom is far beneath me Higher Higher I can only climb up It's peak lies hidden in the heights of the clouds I am clutching to the side of this endless mountain