Who wrote a novel that sold 30 thousand copies, there was a talk of making her novel into a film, she bought a house. She wrote several manuscripts they were rejected and she had to move out of the house. Her previous occupation was as a cleaner but who wants a famous char as a house-help? She changed her name, bought a bike coloured her hair Auburn and got a job as a cocktail waitress at a dive, fat sweaty hands were stuffing cash down her bra. She wrote a novel about it, like going back to her roots the street life she knew and tried to escape She was famous again her photo in the paper and in literary supplements. She could not run away from her past moved to a cabin in the deep rural, milking cows sheep and idyll and wrote a book about betrayal, it sold well; the intellectuals didn't know it was about them and she knew well it was her sordid past that attracted the jaded middle-class taste and she had to write, and survive on a diet of disgust the life she had struggled to break out of