"Protector of clarity" In the German language a name which combines the two people who already love him best. An unspoken wish for him to defend truth, pursue honor, and live in integrity. The concern is that in his pursuit of these things, we will have caused him to miss out on the lightness.
"Yahweh has given him laughter"* In the Hebrew tongue, a name which combines a person set aside and his father, set aside specially for me. An unspoken desire for ease, joy, and endless laughter to come without struggle. The worry is that with this lightness will come an absence of the struggles that make laughter so enjoyable.
Naming a child is such a humbling, sobering experience for me. Choosing a name for him, a marker for his whole life, a first impression, a literal marker of identity.... is SUCH a responsibility. I find myself really considering how his name will shape him and his entire life.
Anyhow. The top-runners have these meanings. Any thoughts? :)