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Mar 2017
There's a boy who makes me smile and his name is Gavin.
He makes me feel like everything is okay even when I feel, like there's nothing...
Gavin is the reason I wake up and live. I live to love him! There are some days where I don't really know if he's the one for me but my heart tells me, thatΒ Β he loves me and I shouldn't take him for granted.
No matter where I go or do, I'll always come back to him because he is my sanctuary. I love him and I'll never stop loving him.
I'd drop anything, just for him and he is who makes me want to become a better partner. I know that I'm not really a good partner but I just need to him to show me how to attend to his needs. He is the greatest person in my life and I could just lay my head on his shoulder and stay that way forever. I could forget a thousand things but I wouldn't ever forget about him! People may say that I don't love him but they don't know that I cry because I feel like I'm not doing enough for him. People and distance could keep us apart but no circumstance could keep my love away from him. I love him very much ❀️
Alejandra Cruz
Written by
Alejandra Cruz
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