Leaves falling from an oak tree, spreading freckles on the green Sun smiling through a cloud bringing warmth upon the scene white sheep drifting across the blue herded by the breeze
Weeping softly as they go, shedding tears upon the leaves Summer is almost over, fall is drawing nigh
The reaper with his scythe is waiting closely by though his face looks very grim, He has this job to do all must return to mother earth,
To make room for the new there is nothing new upon this earth, All has been before the angels smile upon your face
Wile death knocks at your door a thousand years to us, is only a day to God We are all endowed with a duel mind, the good and the bad possessing earthly and Godly traits, the happy and the sad
There is not a perfect man on earth, none is good but God we will awaken in his likeness When the spirit leaves the sod