I have to say why me While watching the news on tv And it happens more frequently Looking at the spokespeople I see There’s the advisor Kellyanne Of whom I used to be a big fan Then there’s that Sean Spicer man And Steve Miller whom they need to ban
It makes me want to revolt When I hear them start to emote Cos they lie about the vote And give numbers that just won’t float Butta-boom butta-bing They lie about everything And the president is the wellspring That causes those canaries to sing
It’s fake news if he disagrees With the reporting that he sees Which makes him very displeased And he hates those who eat the cheese So he’s trying to plug all the leaks Of which he frequently speaks And he stays on the topic for weeks While they continue to wet their beaks
So you understand why I’m tired And remain so uninspired When I see the people he’s hired None are to be admired Cos they all speak with forked tongues As they try to climb all the rungs By using their wits and their lungs And we wait for what next comes