it started in the garden some time ago Eve took a bite of the apple the tempter was right there all along yet where sin abound grace abound all the more
he disguises himself with love yet it's lust in disguise don't even listen to one of his lies like Jonah he ran from the truth remember Lot's wife when she looked back
each of us is responsible for are actions regarding sin actions in which humans rebel against God miss there true purpose for there lives
surrendering to the prince of the power of the air more then God cause all there deeds were evil people today seek self to please they are lost in the sauce
they choose to live by sight and reject the faith that will save them instead we have toxic people of the walking dead eyes with tombstones in there heads evil minds that plug destruction
Our nation's youth would rather text each other then eat together remember the family that prays together stays together we have bought in to the lie that claims I am what I do have we bitten off far more then we could ever chew
these are desolate times yet we have chosen ill faded rhymes casualties are enormous for a stated cause that's atrocious let's look above to the heavenly love stop the senseless fighting before are nation grows colder
you search for truth out of a garbage can abortion on demand when will we live to understand Being lost is a choice which is your fate in life ?