Those who don’t learn will never understand the difference between given and earn. Those who come off as angry and aggressive are found as manipulative and possessive. Those who are rude and unkind are pitied like those who are deaf and blind. Crimes are accused by those who are threatened by others talents so they claim their being not better as ‘abused’. Those who were never told no have nothing else to say except, ‘ok, let it go’. People are going to do what they are going to do. People think they are better then everyone else and feel mortified when their facts are false. Those who raise their voices and scold to grab attention were never taught to take a deep breath, see the surroundings, and prior to it see the correction. Get out there, accept the world for what it has and what it is going to be. Think of all those people who look down and think horrible things of me. They are right, I’m just one of a kind. They are smarter, and my intelligence makes their teeth grind Ha ha, you never thought I could. I function fine though I have a mind that says I would… succeed….. looks like its not me in for a rude awakening. Wake the **** up, smell the ******* coffee, drink it, and go about your way. It’s a new day. I express a point of view, and if you take it that way, I aint holding back, fine, I'll call it a ******* too. *******.
So much anger lead by so many misconceptions and misunderstanding and misleading, as well as mistreated.