defined as "existing or being everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered."*
he craves online hook-ups.
...but this isn't me or that intrepid, torrent trampoline on wireless ether engines zone on in .nets & .coms searching fiber-optics for sight browsing rooms of M4M to fantasize delights to itch to fix to sit transfixed as if subliminally attached umbilically digitally to a electronic felatio soundtrack yet all the while detached lurking reading pretend profiles explicit with ***, sexified, dreaming up new fetishes with misspelled texts tandem testimonials as if written by a Compaq-machine-head or Microsoftened lust as now we are turning to dust with iBooks & faraway Dells on our laps scrolling lists and Adams with "anything goes" remonstrating our vicious cycle - blank with un/trust
this isn't me... where is the warmth of feelings, emotions, love?? I am not that talented to be in two places at once, but he has the faces and genius of multiple personalities facets of sabotage with grace.
he says it isn't him.
my anger has only one trait. two eyes. velvet rope-burned limbs...
and he has too many faces doppleganger hatreds where does one
(The rubble or the sin?)
DOPpLEGANGER (2016)--[Rewrite]
he craves online hook-ups.
But this isn't me nor am I that intrepid a torrent trampoline on wireless ether engines cyber silver surfin' zone on / in .nets & .coms searching fiber-optics for sight browsing rooms of M4M / in-fantasized delights
an itch to fix to sit transfixed as if subliminally attached umbilically digitally digitized digi-man to a electronic felatio soundtrack
yet all the while detached lurking duplicitly reading pretend profiles explicitly for ***, sexified mind dreaming up new fetishes with misspelled texts tandem testimonials as if written by a Compaq-machine-head Microsoftened lust currents electric now as we turn into dust with iBooks & faraway Dells on our laps scrolling lists for Adams status' with "anything goes" remonstrating our vicious cycle alive & blank with un/trust gone viral...
this isn't me.
where is the warmth of feelings, emotions, malleable and infallible / love??
I am not as talented as he to be in two places at once, but he has the many faces and genius of multiple personalities Cybil facets of sabotage with Mommy Dearest grace. Beautiful strangers his acquired taste...
he says it was not him (doing ****)
my rage has only one trait. two eyes (once wide asleep in the lies) and velvet-rope-burned wrists my feet learn to fly my heart un-breaks my wings reanimate...
he has too many faces doppleganger hatred none to care for or embrace
When did I go blind, and leave my many strengths? Where do I now again begin??