I spQak and thQ ink whispQrs back at mQ. Glowing, flowing dancing curvQs, Adrift on the softsQt pagQ. YQars arQ rQlQasQd with a singlQ stroQe. CQrtain words contain a piQce of my soul. Qntrapped as thQy arQ, ConnQctQd yQt isolatQd. BQcausQ a lQttQr's sound can changQ, DQpQnding on diffQrQnt combinations, But it cannot be transfQrrQd. ThQ words shinQ a hQsitant silvQr, A tQstamQnt to days gonQ by, To past lovQs, hatQs and judgQmQnts. To timQs thQ words madQ sQnse. But now I shall surQly sharQ thQ sQcrQt. ThQ rQason my poQms are morQ rQal. ThQ rQason thQy arQ blunt, YQt only strikQ glancing blows. I do my bQst to makQ thQ words what thQy want to bQ. Because you can't force a Q to fit the part of an E. Now rQad again and sQQ if it makQs sQnsQ.