The purest heart is rebellious, deviant and belle It likes to fathom feelings, incite passion and rebel The song of Love is perceptible beneath Devil's knell Who in the florid forest of our spirits hides and fells Losing illusionary sheen of the rankest myths I'm shown the ***** devil as conspiring kith And as for me? I'm Eve, Lilith Out of Eden I struggling drift Eyes full of darkness will be blessed by light That against the grain of evil puts up fiercest fight Giving to buried messengers the feeling of renewed flight Gifting them with the joy of feasting on eternal delight The anarchy of spirit goes against the authorities Of the spirit, who think of nothing but their own majesty For having been in their charming vicinity I have yet been viciously denied the truth of my own divinity Still existence is my song and dance In Love I am in joyful trance It is a magic happenstance That my visions flourished, and broke your lance