You were like nothing I had seen an open window ready for me to make my escape i never thought i'd need an easy way out , but I guess you only get what you can take. I was always one for taking to much fun and not giving in to the things i'd done but the things i'd do, I'd do for you and can I ask, if you would do them to. You were like a door way out, but i was scared of the town we were in and i waver closely only to places i had been. And some times a door left open is never used, despite the fact that the cat had the chance choose. Was I the cat runing forth and back waiting for a chance to slip away unseen, cause my morales couldn't stand to be mean. Would I be the one to hurt you as long as i didn't seem to. Would i be the one to take what wasn't mine. I couldn't be unkind, I couldn't be unkind.