Tiny human growing inside Mama loves you already Five weeks and Six days Thats how long you've been Here
I cant wait to hear your heartbeat Daddy cant wait either Are you a boy? A girl?
I cant wait to watch you grow To hold you in my arms And welcome you to this world To watch you become someone wonderful
But do I have the right? Do I have the right to be over the moon? I feel guilty being so happy When this isnt my time to shine
I feel guilty and hesitant to share I feel like If I do I will lose someone who means Everything to me.
I feel like I am messing up her moment. Like I dont have the right to open up I feel torn and lost and utterly alone I dont believe I can reach out to her
Im so sorry this happened I never meant to **** things up I promise I'll stay in the shadows This is your shine. Not mine
Just know sis I love you dearly And That I am so sorry For always ruining things for you.